Public Procurement & Public Sector

Czech, Slovak and, international clients as well as representatives of the Czech and Slovak governments appreciate the wide range of legal advice provided by Weinhold Legal in the area of public procurement. We have also assisted in a number of large projects for state institutions.

Below we mention some of our most significant engagements.

Lagardére Travel Retail
Weinhold Legal further assisted Lagardére Travel Retail in its successful concession bid to operate travel essentials shops at Václav Havel airport. Travel essentials includes smaller products such as travel goods, tobacco products, newspapers and magazines, souvenirs, etc. Weinhold Legal assisted Lagardére Travel Retail, the global operator of duty free shops, in the concession procedure that it won to become the operator of duty free shops at Václav Havel airport. In winning the tender Lagardére acquired a contract to lease 24 business units with an area of 4,371 square meters. The initial term of the contract is ten years, during which the total rent is up to 8 billion Czech crowns.
Pražská vodohospodářská společnost (Prague Water Company)
Weinhold Legal provided comprehensive legal services to Pražská vodohospodářská společnost (Prague Water Company) in connection with more than 10 public tender procedures of various types, including organization of the public tenders. Weinhold Legal provided legal services to Pražská vodohospodářská společnost in connection with public tender procurement regarding construction of reservoirs in Uhříněves.
Vodárenská společnost Táborsko (Water Company of the Táborsko Region)
Weinhold Legal provided legal services to Vodárenská společnost Táborsko, (Water Company of the Táborsko Region) in connection with the organisation of a tender for selecting a utility operator in the Táborsko region for a 10-year period. The expected value of the bid is CZK 3.2 billion. Our services included organisation of the tender, preparation of the bid contract, dealings concerning technical assistance of the European Commission, etc.
Weinhold Legal has provided comprehensive legal services to VOP CZ, the biggest military enterprise in the Czech Republic, in connection with sale of movable and immovable assets comprising the Šternberk production plant.
National Organization for Medicine Verification / Národní organizace pro ověřování pravosti léčiv
On 9th February, 2019 there was a launch of a medicine verification system operated by the National Organization for Medicine Verification (Národní organizace pro ověřování pravosti léčiv or NOOL). Weinhold Legal has provided complex legal assistance to NOOL in respect of this European system of medicine verification established by Falsified Medicine European Directive (FMD) 20011/62/EU. Legal services comprised of organising a tender for the supplier of the new IT system, negotiation of the contract with suppliers and European Medical Verification Organisation, registering holders and end users of the IT system and other required legal assistance. Which was to be concluded with more than 2 500 end – users, the preparation of a contract to be concluded with the marketing authorization holders and others. This is a totally unique and unique pan-European project involving all original drug manufacturers, as well as all pharmacies, hospitals and drug distributors.
Ministry of Defence Czech Republic
Weinhold Legal was selected in 2004 to advise the Ministry of Defence on the lease of 14 Gripen supersonic fighters including offset programs. Our teams drafted and negotiated two significant contracts – a lease agreement with the Swedish state (value nearly 20 billion CZK/750 mil. USD) and an offset agreement with Gripen International (value nearly 25 billion CZK/960 mil. USD). This project followed the previous selection of Weinhold Legal by the Czech government to advise on the planned purchase of 24 Gripen supersonic fighters in 2002. The planned deal involved the purchase, from the British-Swedish consortium of BAE Systems/SAAB, of JAS-39 Gripen fighters, with the first anticipated delivery by 2004. The nominal purchase price was estimated at 52.5 billion Czech Crowns approximately USD 1.54 billion), and the value of offset programs should have reached 78 billion Czech crowns (approximately USD 2.3 billion). We were also engaged by the Ministry of Defence in other projects, such as modernisation of tanks T72, refinancing of L195 combat fighters, personnel carriers tender, legal services in connection with the Follow-On Support Service Agreement concluded prior to privatisation of Aero Vodochody.
Ministry of Transportation / Roads Administration (ŘSD)
Weinhold Legal provided comprehensive legal advisory services to Ministry of Transportation and the Roads Administration (ŘSD) in relation to multiple multi-billion public tenders on winter and current maintenance of the roads.
Ministry of Interior Czech Republic
Weinhold Legal was chosen to provide legal services to the Czech Ministry of Interior in relation to the basic public administration registers which are in the competence of the Ministry, and the information system of the basic public administration registers (following the newly adopted Act on Basic Registers). The work included numerous public tenders, contracts between the state and selected ICT firms, etc.
Česká pošta (Czech Post)
Weinhold Legal provided legal services to Česká pošta (Czech Post) in negotiations with the ČSOB bank (KBC group) relating to a contractual arrangement which should form basis for operations of the largest retail banking network (over 1.3 million customers) in the years 2006-2017 – Poštovní spořitelna (Post Savings Bank); the exclusive negotiations have been based on special government decrees. The contract with ČSOB could be worth up to 17 billion CZK (580 million EUR) to Česká pošta. We also advised on a long term contract with Česká pojišťovna.
Weinhold Legal advised Siemens on several significant public tenders in the transport sector.
Weinhold Legal - Česká republika