Archive Legal Update

5/2024 – Legal Update – Updates in legislation – Regulation on artificial intelligence (AI Act) – Judicature – Beginning of the time limit for filing an action for clarification on matters discussed at the General Assembly – Legal fiction of an employment relationship of indefinite duration

Autumn-Winter 2023 – GDPR Legal Update – EDPB Guidelines on the e-Privacy Directive – The PDPO imposed fines for distribution of commercial communications – CJEU on the conditions for imposing administrative fines – The CJEU on automated processing

12/2023 – Legal Update – Upcoming Legislation – The CSRD Directive – New act on cybersecurity

11/2023 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment to the Act on Capital Market Undertaking – News in case law – Identical statements by the parties – Legal action without adequate retaliation within the meaning of §240 of the Insolvency Act

10/2023 – Legal Update – Upcoming legislation – Amendment to the Act on Courts and Judges – News in case law – Concept of lost commission within the meaning of Section 669(1)(b) of the Commercial Code – Timeliness of the Objection of Partiality of a Member of the Arbitral Court and the Information Obligation of Arbitrators

9/2023 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment to the Act on Electronic Acts and Authorised Conversion of Documents – Draft Law on Collective Civil Proceedings – News in case law – Damages for emergency measures in times of covid

8/2023 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment to the AML Act – News in case law – Effect of a change in the articles of association on the length of the term of office of a member of an elected body; time limitation of the term of office – Appeal by an unauthorised person and action for confusion

Summer 2023 – GDPR Legal Update – EDPB on EU-US Privacy Shield Framework – ÚOOÚ imposed fines for cookies – CJEU on the right of access under Article 15 GDPR – EDPB Guidelines on the calculation of administrative fines

7/2023 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment to the Act on Protection of Employees in the Event of Insolvency of the Employer – Amendments to the Commercial Corporations Act – Case law – Possibility to request the deletion of the entry of the reasons for removal from the position of the company’s managing director

6/2023 – Legal Update – New legislation – Amendment to the Act on Conversions of Business Corporations and Cooperatives – Case Law – Legal consequences of the actions of a representative whose interests are in conflict with the interests of the represented party

5/2023 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment to the – Employment Act of the Labour Code in the field of agency employment – Case law – Compliance with the information obligation pursuant to Section 55 of the Act in a limited liability company – Liability for damages of an assistant in the position of employee and managing director

Spring 2023 – GDPR Legal Update – Methodology of the Office for Personal Data Protection on cameras – EDPB Guide to the GDPR for Small Businesses – EDPB guidelines on the right of access – EDBP guidance on reporting security breaches – NSS CR on commercial communications

4/2023 – Legal Update – New contract type – Contract for the provision of digital content – Case law – Limitation of the claim for damages

3/2023 – Legal Update – Upcoming legislation – Act on preventive restructuring – Case law – Admissibility of contractual exclusion of grounds for withdrawal – European Commission’s lawsuit against the Czech Republic for lack of legal protection of whistleblowers

2/2023 – Legal Update – Order of fulfillment of monetary debt – Case law – Assessment of legal presumptions and fictions used in contracts – New concept of moderation of contractual penalties

1/2023 – Legal Update – Fundamental changes for 2023 – Overview of changes in Consumer protection law – Modification of the rules for registration in the Commercial Register – Case law – Withdrawal from the contract and impossibility to return the item in its original condition

Winter 2022 – GDPR Legal Update – Inspection plan of The Office for Personal Data Protection in 2023 – Recommendation of European Data Protection Board 1/2022 – Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the case of Google – right to be erased – Preliminary question to the CJEU – application čTečka

12/2022 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment of the Consumer Protection Act and the Civil Code – Amendment of the Energy Act – News in case law – Liability of a website operator for a link leading to obviously false information – Register of beneficial owners not to be available to the public

11/2022 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment to the Act on electronic acts and documents authorised conversion – News in case law – On the evidence in delayed flight compensation proceedings – Liability of the tenant of business premises for damage – Prohibition of competition

10/2022 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment to the act on the implementation of international sanctions – Act on Special Grounds for Stopping Execution – Amendment to the Government Regulation on occupational health conditions – News in case law – Form of future contract of sale relating to real estate – Transfer of the promissory note per order and its delivery to the acquirer

Autumn 2022 – GDPR Legal Update – The transitional period of the original standard contractual clauses comes to an end! – Traffic camera footage provided to tax authorities – ÚOOÚ: Nové hrozby pro ochranu osobních údajů – 226 cookie complaints

9/2022 – Legal Update – News in Legislation – Amendment to Freedom of Information Act – Amendment to the Act on registration of beneficial owners – News in case law – Liability of a member of an elected body and foreseeability of damage in case of breach of due care – Official verification of signatures on the agreement on the transfer of shares

Summer 2022 – GDPR Legal Update – ÚOOÚ on cookies – Guidelines EDPB 07/2022 – Unauthorised collection

8/2022 – Legal Update – News in Legislation – Energy Saving Tariff – Gracious summer 2022 – News in case law – Obligation to compensate damages for breach of statutory duty

7/2022 – Legal Update – News in Legislation – Amendment to the Cyber Security Act – News in Case Law – Removal of a managing director from office for breach of duty in the performance of his duties – Exclusion from holding the office of a member of the statutory body of a business corporation – Application for deletion of data from the full extract from the Commercial Register

6/2022 – Legal Update – News in Legislation – Amendment to the Income Tax Act, Road Tax Act and Air Protection Act – News in Case Law – Omission of the parties’ intention to settle the dispute amicably – Exception to the obligation to lodge a protest on grounds of subjective circumstance – On the merits of a substantive approach to the service of documents

Spring 2022 – GDPR Legal Update – ÚOOÚ Annual Report 2021 – Merchant loyalty programmes – Telemarketing and personal data – Personal data protection impact assessment – Guidelines EDPB 05/2022 – Guidelines EDPB 1/2021

5/2022 – Legal Update – News in Legislation – Amendment to the Payment Transactions Act – LEX Ukraine II – News in Case Law – To assess the gross disproportionality of the reciprocal benefits – On the exercise of the duty of the managing director to ensure proper accounting

4/2022 – Legal Update – News in Legislation – Bill on video sharing platform services – Amendment to the copyright law – News in Case Law – Fulfillment and offsetting of unjust enrichment – Supplement to the agenda of the General Meeting at the request of a qualified shareholder

3/2022 – Legal Update – News in Legislation – Government proposal for an amendment to the registration of natural and legal persons in public registers – News in Case Law – Co-adjustment of damage by breach of the preventive obligation of the injured party

Winter 2021 – GDPR Legal Update – Guidelines on local jurisdiction and transfer of personal data – Guidance on the right of access to personal data – Guidance on examples of personal data breaches – Status of entities in the provision of financial intermediation services – Liability for data leakage is not always absolute

2/2022 – Legal Update – News in Legislation – Amendment to the Electronic Communications Act in the field of telemarketing – Support for small and medium-sized businesses in the field of intellectual property rights in 2022 – News in Case Law – Overtime work for an employee with shorter working hours

1/2022 – Legal Update – News in Legislation – Amendment to the Enforcement Code and the Code of Civil Procedure – News in Case Law – Delays in court proceedings represented by the failure of the court to lend the file

12/2021 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Ministry of Health issued a decree on compulsory vaccination against covid-19 disease – News in judicature – Compensation for personal injury for an accident on an icy pavement – Redundancy of an employee under Section 52(c) of the Labour Code

11/2021 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment to the Energy Act from 1 January 2022 – The government has extended the Antivirus A programme until the end of the year – Current case law – Employees are entitled to claim remuneration for breaks during periods of constant availability – Plurality of Insolvency Creditors in the endorsement of a Security Promissory Note

Autumn 2021 – GDPR Legal Update – Use of cookies only with prior consent – The amendment brings changes from January 1st, 2022 – Max Schrems makes complaints about the processing of cookies in violation of EU rules – Decison making – Overview of inspections by the Office for Personal Data Protection in the first half of 2021 – Fine for WhatsApp

10/2021 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment to the Act on Banks – Current case law – On the impossibility of additional “approval “of the acquisition of own shares – On the effectiveness of the restriction on the transferability of registered shares contained in the articles of association

9/2021 – Legal Update – Disguised employment mediation – The fines now also apply to client of work – Extension of paternity leave – Implementation of work-life balance into Czech law – New building act The recodification will bring, among other things, a new system of building authorities – A new form of ID cards – The The changes will affect the recorded data

8/2021 – Legal Update – Disguised employment mediation – The fines now also apply to client of work – Extension of paternity leave – Implementation of work-life balance into Czech law – New building act – The recodification will bring, among other things, a new system of building authorities – A new form of ID cards – The The changes will affect the recorded data

Summer 2021 – GDPR Legal Update – Privacy disputes with Facebook continue – Final version of the EDPB guidelines on the concepts of controller and processor – GDPR Codes of Conduct – On making copies of identity cards in the context of AML legislation

7/2021 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment in respect of further computerization of public authorities’ procedures – New occupational safety regulation concerning technical equipment operation – Current case law – Shareholders´ agreements and guidelines for business management – Termination of employment during the probationary period with a pregnant employee

6/2021 – Legal Update – Amendment to Act No. 358/1992 Coll., On Notaries and Their Activities (Notarial Code) – Digitization of notary activities – Current case law – Review of the conclusion of an arbitration agreement in enforcement proceedings – Labor law conduct performed by a dismissed executive

5/2021 – Legal Update – Compensation Bonus Act for 2021 – Conditions of entitlement for an LLC member – Current Case Law – Transfer of an employee to another position after prior notice – Liability for defects caused by high substrate humidity

4/2021 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment to the Electronic communications Act – Newly published caselaw – Assessment of late payment interest between entrepreneurs – The Court of Justice dismissed the appeal of Deutsche Telekom and Slovak Telekom and clarified the scope of the Bronner judgement

3/2021 – Legal Update – News in legislation – New Registration of Beneficial Owners Act – Newly published case law – Exclusion of the pre-emptive right to buy additional shares – Determination of the price for a locally unavailable item

2/2021 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment of the Labour Code: Job sharing – Newly published case law – Obligation of general courts to determine appropriate requirements for the proving of lost profit – Unacceptability to unilaterally withdraw from a non-compete clause on the basis of employer’s “free consideration”

1/2021 – Legal Update – New legislation – Amendment to the Cyber Security Act – Newly published case law – Immediate termination of employment – Differentiation of severance pay

12/2020 – Legal Update – Amendment of the Business Corporations Act – amendments to the legal framework of a limited liability company – Appointment of an executive – Accompaniment to the general meeting – Payment of the cash contribution – Legal entity as a member of an elected organ – Decisions taken outside of the general meeting

11/2020 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Law on screening foreign investments – Newly published case law – The validity of a provision not governed by law – Appeal in a case of compensation for a delayed flight

10/2020 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment to the Civil Code in the field of consumer protection – Newly published case law – Sublease of an apartment in which the tenant does not live permanently – Wage conditions of so-called agency employees

9/2020 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Act on the Registration of Beneficial Owners – Newly published case law – Deceptiveness of a business name containing a geographical term

8/2020 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Abolition of real estate acquisition tax – Newly published case law – The principle of equal pay and related criteria – When does the subjective limitation period for the right to compensation begin to run?

7/2020 – Legal Update – News in Legislation – Legal regulation of shares in profit and other corporate resources according to a significant amendment to the BCA – New Case Law – Replacement of simple minutes from the General Meeting with a notarial deed – Registration of an invocation of ineffectiveness of registration of the transfer of a share in the Commercial Register

6/2020 – Legal Update – News in Legislation – Draft of Amendment to the Public Procurement Act – Draft of Bill on Abolishing Real Estate Acquisition Tax – New Case Law – Obligation of members of the Supervisory Board to attend the General Meeting of the Company – The instruction to “go home” addressed to employees does not constitute an explicit prohibition of activities from the employer

5/2020 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment to the Labour Code – New case law – Obligations of employers – Concurrence of the immediate termination of employment and a notice of termination of employment for the same act

4/2020 – Legal Update – News in legislation – Amendment to the Property Valuation Act – New case law – A contractual penalty clause linked to a creditor´s withdrawal from the contract is valid – An apology is insufficient compensation for harm caused by the filing of an unlawful insolvency petition

3/2020 – Legal Update – News in legislature – Amendment to the Civil Code – pre-emption right of co-owners to co-ownership of real estate –
Newly published case law – Action for damages due to significant flight delay

2/2020 – DE – Legal Update – Neuigkeiten in der Gesetzgebung – Gesetz zum Recht auf digitale Dienstleistungen – E-Government – Novelle des Bankengesetzes – Bankidentität- Neu

2/2020 – Legal Update – Legislative amendments – Right to Digital Services Act – eGovernment – Banking Act amendment – banking identity – Recent case law – Scope of statutory liability of a partner of a limited liability company

1/2020 – DE – Legal Update – Neuigkeiten in der Gesetzgebung – Novelle des Gesetzes über die Energiebewirtschaftung – Verabschiedung des Immobilienvermittlungsgesetzes – Neu veröffentlichte Rechtsprechung – Funktion des Geschäftsführungsmitglieds – Sorgfalt eines ordentlichen Kaufmanns und Auswahl eines qualifizierten Dritten
Möglichkeit des Nachweises weiterer Enterbungsgründe

1/2020 – Legal Update – Legislative Amendments – Amendment of the Energy Management Act – Adoption of a Real Estate Brokerage Act – Recent Case Law – Position of a statutory body member – exercise of due diligence and selection of a qualified third party – Possibility of proving other grounds for inheritance – Profile photo of a Facebook user and its relationship to a news license

12/2019 – Legal Update – Legislative Amendments – Definition of family business and the family business support program – Recent Case Law – Approval for a statutory body member to exceed a representative’s authorization – Statutory representative’s liability for damage caused by him/her through misappropriation of company property

12/2019 – DE – Legal Update – Neuigkeiten in der Gesetzgebung – Definition eines Familienunternehmens und För-derprogramm für Familienunternehmen Neu veröffentlichte Rechtsprechung – Genehmigung des Überschreitens der Vertre-tungsberechtigung durch ein Geschäftsfüh-rungsmitglied Haftung des Geschäftsführers für einen durch den anderen – Geschäftsführer durch die Verun-treuung von Gesellschaftsvermögen verursach-ten Schaden

11/2019 – Legal Update – Recent Case Law – Limits of the obligation to loyally perform the role of statutory body member – Shareholder and acquisition agreements – instructions to a Board of Directors regarding the management of company business – Offsetting of an employer’s claim for damages against an employee

11/2019 – DE – Legal Update – Neu veröffentlichte Rechtsprechung – Grenzen der Pflicht, die Funktion des Geschäftsführungsmitglieds loyal auszuüben – Aktionärsvereinbarungen – die Geschäftsleitung betreffende Weisungen an den Vorstand – Aufrechnung der Forderung des Arbeitgebers auf Schadenersatz gegenüber dem Arbeitnehmer

10/2019 – Legal Update – Legislative amendments – Amendment of the Act on Pharmaceuticals and the Amending of Some Related Acts – Recent case law – Contractual default interest cannot be agreed on a flat rental – Consequences of transfer of leased real property on the obligation to pay rent – The right to payment of a contractual penalty

10/2019 – DE – Legal Update – Neuigkeiten in der Gesetzgebung – Novelle des Gesetzes über Arzneimittel und über Änderungen verschiedener zusammenhän-gender Gesetze – Neu veröffentlichte Rechtsprechung – Bei Wohnungsmiete kein vertraglicher Verzugs-zins vereinbar – Folgen der Übertragung des Eigentums am Miet-gegenstand für die Mietzinszahlungspflicht – Entstehung des Rechts auf vertragsstrafenzah-lung

9/2019 – Legal Update – Legislative Amendments – Amendment to the Capital Market Undertakings – Act and other acts – Recent Case Law – Reciprocal right of first refusal Power of attorney – Shareholder register – Interpretation of the designation “older generation” in the context of unfair competition – Limitation of the amount of damages for things brought in

9/2019 – DE – Legal Update – Neuigkeiten in der Gesetzgebung – Novelle des Gesetzes über die Kapitalmarkttätigkeitund weiterer Gesetze – Neu veröffentlichte Rechtsprechung – Gegenseitiges Vorkaufsrecht – Vollmacht – Aktienregister – Auslegung der Bezeichnung „ältere Generation“ im Zusammenhang mit unlauterem Wettbewerb – Beschränkung der Höhe des Schadenersatzes an eingebrachten SachenOrgans

8/2019 – Legal Update – Legislative Amendments – Amendment of the Directive on Digitalisation in Company Law – Amendment of the Contract Registry Act – Recent Case Law – Invalidity of notice of employment termination – Breach of obligation in the performance of the office of a member of an elected body of a business corporation;

8/2019 – DE – Legal Update – Neuigkeiten in der Gesetzgebung – Novelle der Richtlinie über die Digitalisierung im Gesellschaftsrecht – Novelle des Gesetzes über das VertragsregisterNeu veröffentlichte Rechtsprechung – Ungültigkeit der Zustellung der Kündigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses – Verletzung der Pflichten bei der Ausübung der Funktion des Mitglieds des gewählten Organs

7/2019 – Legal Update – Legislative amendments – eSicknotes and other changes to sickness insurance as of 2020 – Recent case law – Non-compete clause in an employment contract – General Meeting approval to transfer part of a plant

7/2019 – DE – Legal Update – Neuigkeiten in der Gesetzgebung – e-Krankschreibungen und weitere Änderungen in der Krankenversicherung ab 2020 – Neu veröffentlichte Rechtsprechung – Im Arbeitsvertrag vereinbartes Wettbewerbsverbot – Zustimmung der Gesellschafterversammlung zur Übertragung eines Betriebsteils

6/2019 – Legal Update – Bills under discussion – Bill on class actions – Recent case law – Excessive contractual fine – Assignment of work during a dispute over the invalidity of a notice of dismissal – Exemption from the obligation to protest a General Meeting resolution

6/2019 – DE – Legal Update – Neuigkeiten in der Gesetzgebung – Entwurf des Sammelklagengesetzes – Neu veröffentlichte Rechtsprechung – Unangemessene Höhe der Vertragsstrafe – Arbeitszuweisung während des anhängigen Streits über die Ungültigkeit der Kündigung – Freistellung von der Pflicht, gegen einen Hauptversammlungsbeschluss Protest einzulegen

5/2019 – Legal Update – Legislative amendments – Conflict between a trademark and a trade name – Recent case law – Profit of a joint-stock company may be distributed based on financial statements older than six months – Contractual penalty proportionality in a noncompete clause under the Labour Code

5/2019 – DE – Legal Update – Neuigkeiten in der Gesetzgebung – Konflikt der Marke mit der Handelsfirma – Neu veröffentlichte Rechtsprechung – Gewinnverteilung einer Aktiengesellschaft auch aufgrund eines mehr als 6 Monate alten Jahresabschlusses möglich – Angemessenheit der Vertragsstrafe im Wettbewerbsverbot laut Arbeitsgesetzbuch

4/2019 – Legal Update – Legislative Amendments – Bill amending certain laws on the regulation of business in the financial markets – New European legal framework for securitization – Regulation establishing the framework for screening foreign direct investments headed for the European Union Recent Case Law – Suspending the exercising of rights attached to shares which a shareholder has not submitted for the purposes of indicating the necessary data or for making an exchange under the Act on Certain Measures to Increase the Transparency of Joint-Stock Companies

4/2019 – DE – Legal Update – Neuigkeiten in der Gesetzgebung – Entwurf des Gesetzes zur Änderung verschiedenerGesetze zur Regulierung der beruflichen Tätigkeit auf dem Finanzmarkt – Neuer europäischer Rechtsrahmen für Verbriefungen – Verordnung zur Schaffung eines Rahmens für die Überprüfung ausländischer Direktinvestitionen in der Union Neu veröffentlichte Rechtsprechung – Aussetzung der Ausübung der mit Aktien verbundenen Rechte, die der Aktionär nicht zum Vermerk der notwendigen Angaben oder zum Austausch gemäß Gesetz über verschiedene Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Transparenz von Aktiengesellschaften vorgelegt hat

3/2019 – Legal Update – Legislative Amendments – The Government has proposed an Electronic Communications Act amendment to promote competition on the mobile operator market – Recent Case law – Can an audio recording of a conversation made without the knowledge of the recorded person be used as evidence in court? – Does asking a consumer’s ethnicity constitute discriminatory behaviour?

3/2019 – DE – Legal Update – Neuigkeiten in der Gesetzgebung – Regierung schlägt Änderung des Gesetzes über elektronische Kommunikationen vor, um die Konkurrenz auf dem Markt der Mobilfunkanbie-ter zu beleben – Neu veröffentlichte Rechtsprechung – Kann der ohne Wissen der aufgenommenen Person angefertigte Tonmitschnitt eines Ge-sprächs als Beweis vor Gericht genutzt wer-den? – Ist die Frage nach der ethnischen Zugehörigkeit des Verbrauchers diskriminierend?

2/2019 – Legal Update – Legislative amendments – Labour Code amendment – waiting period cancellation – Amendment of the Insolvency Act – Recent case law – Employee liability for damage caused by executing an unlawful employer instruction – Rights of the acquirer of a share in an LLC in view of a General Meeting resolution on profit distribution – Regressive claim of the State against a responsible party

2/2019 – DE – Legal Update – Neuigkeiten in der Gesetzgebung – Novelle des Arbeitsgesetzbuches – Aufhebung der Karenzzeit – Novelle des Insolvenzgesetzes – Neu veröffentlichte Rechtsprechung – Schadenshaftung des Arbeitnehmers bei Erfüllung einer rechtswidrigen Weisung des Arbeitgebers – Rechte des Erwerbers eines Anteils an einer Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung in Bezug auf den Beschluss der Gesellschafterversammlung über die Gewinnverteilung – Regressanspruch des Staates gegenüber dem

1/2019 – Legal Update – Legislative amendments – Personal Data Processing Act approved by the Chamber of Deputies – Recent case law – Termination of employment for failure to rectify unsatisfactory work results – Elapse of statutory deadline – Elapse of the deadline to register a beneficial owner

1/2019 – Legal Update – Legislative amendments – Personal Data Processing Act approved by the Chamber of Deputies – Recent case law – Termination of employment for failure to rectify unsatisfactory work results – Elapse of statutory deadline – Elapse of the deadline to register a beneficial owner

12/2018 – Legal Update – Legislative amendments – Amendment of the Trade Marks Act – Recent case law – Agreement on the option of resignation from a position – Absence of title to the subject of a purchase agreement

12/2018 – DE – Legal Update – Neuigkeiten in der Gesetzgebung – Novelle des Markengesetzes – Neu veröffentlichte Rechtsprechung – Vereinbarung über die Möglichkeit der Abberu-fung aus der Position – Fehlen des Eigentumsrechts am Kaufvertrags-gegenstand

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